Hello, I'm 

Noppawit Hansompob

Software/Web Developer

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About me

An enthusiastic web developer looking for a challenging work in new and different environments.

I always have a passion for robotics since I was young, so I decided to study in Computer Science. After graduated, I had worked with a rapid-grow start up company where I implemented software using Salesforce for 2 years. In 2017, I continue to study in more generic field which is Web and Mobile App Design and Development at Langara College, Vancouver, BC, Canada. During the course, I have gained a lot of experience and valuable skills such as JavaScript, WordPress together with embedded systems, and cloud computing.



Weather forecast App

Web application for providing weather forecast using openweathermap api

React News App

A React web application for searching news via news api


Website showcase for CSS animation and decoration

Hundle Project

the completed version of challenge from frontendmentor.io


Showcase of using Bootstrap4 library

Hour Tech

A platform for connecting people who have tech problems (Lead iOS developer)


Startup initiative to create a platform which let people find a rental property (Back-End assistant)


A mobile application for suggesting outfit with existing clothes

Movie Service App

A React Native application for searching movie from imdb database

To do App

A React web application for listing and managing tasks, have a capability to drag and drop task